A few days ago, I was challenged by Cristina Milos (@surreallyno) to continue a “meme” about the five things I’d like my teacher to know about me (here’s her post about this topic). This meme was started by Allanah King (@allanahk) and her post.   Both have posted great ideas, and have really made me think about what I am both as a teacher and a learner.  Along with my current teacher/learner role, I’ve looked back on how I was at this point in my life, as a fifth grader.  It’s interesting how some things are quite similar both in my youth adulthood.

Anyway, I’ll be writing about these as an adult learner.

Since a meme is “an idea, behavior or style that spreads from person to person within a culture” who am I to slow this down? 🙂  So:

The Five Things I’d Like My Teacher To Know About Me

1) Push me to do better.  I can create great things, but I’ll be honest, I need that push, that someone to check and help me do better.


2) I’m very quiet, but it doesn’t mean I’m not paying attention.  I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not comfortable around new people and I tend to keep to myself.  However, I’m engaged in the moment, and when that time comes, I will open up.  It doesn’t mean that I don’t care or I’m not there with you.  It just means I’m picking my moments.


3) I want to see your passion.  I want to see you excited about doing what you are doing.  Nothing kills my own desire to be engaged more then someone who’s not engaged with me.  Be there in the moment, and give us that reason to be there with you.


4) I love technology, but nothing beats a book in your hand, the sound of a pencil writing on paper.  I love my laptop, my Ipod touch (no iPad yet), but carrying a book, a notebook, and a pencil are things that cannot be beat.


5) While I’m quiet, I love to laugh, to have fun, to tease, and to enjoy life.  One of my own classroom tools is humor and laughter, a way to letting my own students know that it’s ok to fail, that we’ll fail right along with, but we’ll enjoy doing it together.  Laugh with me, fail with me, tease me, but always bring me back to center, to the goal at hand.


To keep this meme moving, I’ll pass it along to five teacher/educators I follow.  What do YOU want your teacher to know?  I’d love to know myself! 🙂

@shannonmmiller @jfountainbr @qldteacher @MrsTG @TeacherCast