Well, I’ve stuck my foot in it again.  That darn Twitter has gotten me into a “writing camp” and it makes me really, REALLY nervous. I’ve looked through a few of the comments and blogs all ready written, and *gulp* they are really good! Makes me wonder about the intelligence of this endevor! 😀  However, like I’ve said earlier, words have power, and those words broadcast out for many to see carry that much more weight. I want this experience, and plan to show it to my students because they need to know that even their teacher gets nervous about showing off writing!

Anyway our first assignment: a plan.  In the words of Hannibal Smith (of A-Team fame), “I love it when a plan comes together!”  My plan will look something like this:

  1. What you found that you might be able to cut out of your schedule or cut back on to make time to write. For me, “finding” time is easy. I’m a someone who likes to putter around, getting something accomplished, but at a really relaxed speed. Getting up with my wife in the morning, as she goes to work or goes to run, I can extra time quite easily.
  2. When you’ll be writing each day & for how long. Remember to be realistic. 15 minutes is fine to start. Again, this shouldn’t be too difficult.  That time in the morning before the kids are moving will be ideal. I’ve got two daughters who can sleep through thunderstorms, so getting 15 minutes before they wake up will be a breeze! 🙂
  3. Where you’ll usually write.  This can be different places on different days, depending on your schedule. Depending on day and weather, my first choice will be outside on the back patio with a mug of coffee. I love that early morning still to focus my thoughts. If that doesn’t work, then the kitchen table is the next best option.
  4. Who you told about your plans. Remember, sharing your writing plans with the people in your life helps to make them real and reminds your family & friends to give you that space for writing. This one is a toughie for me. I’ve not shared my blog with any but one of my co-workers, so I know they I’ll share with that one individual.  I would imagine my wife will be someone I share with, along with my PLN via Twitter. I just don’t know if I ‘m quite ready to share with others at school.


I find this actively empowering, yet scared.  So much learning can take place here, it’s just the matter of having courage to do it! 🙂


Thanks for reading and look for more of my writing here as the summer goes on!